Our services - let's be better together

At Periwinkle we adopt a partnership approach, tailoring our services to your specific goals. Strong collaboration means more impact for you.

PR & Comms strategy

We believe in taking a step back before any activity to carefully consider what you’re trying to achieve as a business. Once we have that sorted, we can align a bespoke strategy to support you to reach these goals.

We operate the “5 A” model which will align strategy, evidence and create an approach supported by behavioural science.

Service summary

  • External communications strategies
  • Internal communication and engagement strategies
  • Integrated communication strategies

Crisis support

Sometimes you’ll need to deal with a curveball or make difficult decisions. We offer a judgement free, outcomes-focused approach to crisis communications, working with you when an extra pair of hands isn’t just appreciated, it’s a necessity.

Service summary

  • Reputation management, recovery and support 
  • Media management
  • Restructure and change planning
  • Emergency response
  • Behavioural change


We all know there is a lot of work done behind the scenes for events. We can help you with the design right through to the delivery, ensuring your event is aligned to your business goals. As with all our services, we know there isn’t a one-size fits all so we will work with you to understand your needs, whether you need someone hands-on to deliver your event or if you’d prefer us to upskill your team so they can lead on this independently now or in the future. 

Service summary

  • Launch events
  • Internal events to support colleague engagement
  • Conferences and exhibitions
  • Meetings and roundtables
  • Team volunteering

But wait...there's more

Need a hand with some of that busy work? We’re here! Send us over your content requirements and we can provide full copy for you. And like all our services, you pay for a product not by the hour. 

We can also help you develop strong prompts to get the best use from Gen AI as well as proof-reading to ensure that nuance that isn’t picked up by AI are corrected.

Service summary

  • Copywriting for both traditional and digital channels
  • Proof reading
  • AI prompting

Four tips for a successful event

We all know a lot of work goes on behind the scenes of a successful event. To get you started, here are our top tips.

Have a clear objective

You should know exactly why you're having your event before doing anything else. Think about what success would look like - what will change? What impact will it have? Understanding this is the first step towards a great event.

Curate your guest list

Who needs to be in the room? Targeting your audience will not only give you a bigger impact but it will help you design the details of your event based on what you know about the people you're inviting.

You can't plan too much

Start early! Your event will be here before you know it and guess what? There will be a curve ball so the better your planning is, the better the day will be. Make it clear who is responsible for what and understand the resources you have.

Get some help

Whether you want to have someone run your event for you, upskill your inhouse team or just have someone to give you advice and resources, the team at Periwinkle PR can help. Reach out for a commitment free discussion on how we can partner for success.

All rights reserved. Perwinkle Public Relations 

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